Saturday, August 22, 2009


       Even problems can improve characters. Everyone should face everything, even our losses with dignity and honor so that we will improve.


       For example, the Aesop fable, Fox and the Sour Grapes, was about a fox trying to get some grapes, but it was too high to reach. Because he ended up unsuccessful, he said that the grapes were sour anyway. However, if he faced his failure in a positive way, he would try harder and could have gotten the grapes, or think of a plan for success next time. Thinking in a positive light would have been better for him.


       Another example is something I have experienced. I was playing a level in a game, and I kept on failing to win. I could have just said that nothing going to happen if I beat the game, but I did not. I kept on trying. Even now, I am still trying. But I have hope that I will win soon. I already found out secrets to the level. Through my practice, my skills are improving.


       Standing up for your losses and failures can better you as a person in courage and strength. If you never lose hope, you are sure to succeed.

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