Money is frequently mistaken as the ultimate goal in life. But people don’t understand the concept that money isn’t everything. There are numerous things, like your family and your knowledge, can be of more value in life than just plain money.
For example, your family would be about the most important in your life. What if your family never took care of you? What if you died at a young age? How will anything be important to you? If people think of it this way with all that your family has did for you, how can anything be more important? Your family is something you can’t buy with money. Nor can it be replaced.
In addition, your knowledge is vital. Without knowledge, money means nothing. Without knowledge, you won’t augment your wealth. But worst of all, without knowledge, you can easily lose all your money. You might accidentally use all your money or let it get stolen. Money can’t help get you knowledge.
Indeed, money is no more than just gold and silver. What use is affluence if you don’t have your family or your knowledge? There is a saying, “money can’t buy happiness,” which tells us money isn’t everything and that true happiness grows from the heart.
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