Summer vacation is coming to an end and I am thinking about how Seventh grade will be. I am expecting it to be more challenging in terms of learning than sixth grade. To be honest, I thought six grade was a bit easier than fifth grade. In fifth grade, I had a very knowledgeable teacher. I learned a lot from her. Throughout fifth grade, my teacher was over-preparing us for the next grade. Sixth grade turned out to be much more easy than she thought.
During seventh grade, I am hoping to get into Village H. In Kennedy Middle School, the students of each grade level are split into groups, AKA villages. Each village has different teachers for different subjects. As I was told by my neighbor Kevin, the really bad teachers in village H had been fired. Also the new teachers are suppose to be better. Village I would be the best village, but the two best teachers are retiring, so village H would be second. Kevin was unlucky in having village H in 2009. That was when the bad teachers were still there. The bad teachers either don't teach anything, or don't understand what they're teaching.
In the next school year, I am also hoping to be with some of my friends such as Darren and Anjan. They were in my village before summer. However, this may not be possible for the whole year because in seventh grade, you change classmates every trimester. This will allow the students to make new friends. Being with friends for a year would be flabbergasting and nearly impossible. But I just have to wait to see my schedule to know who I'm with.
For classes, I signed up for advanced band, although I don't know if I will make it. The eight graders have the priority, so I need to do well on my sign up test. In sixth grade, I wasn't able to get to advanced band because the schedule wouldn't fit. Due to the lack of teachers, advanced band has a really tight schedule and sixth graders would not fit in it. In PE I am hoping either to get Mr. Murray of Mr. Knock(not any tedious teachers.) Mr. Murray is the teacher I had, but Mr. Knock sounds really nice. Although Mr. Murray would have the grueling students run a lot, the results make it worthy. During fourth grade, my mile time was 10:01, being really ponderous, and now it is 6:27, showing great prowess.. That is an improvement of 3:34. I had a great time in his class working out. Darren and Anjan was in Mrs. Jennings class and I sort of wish I was too. Mrs. Jennings plays Whack-It (a baseball game) a lot. They even made a tournament for it during lunch break. From playing it once or twice I realized I was pretty good at it. Also seeing how fun it is, I wanted to be in Mrs. Jennings' class.
Ideally, I want to have personable teachers as well as good friends in seventh grade. I hope to have fun and learn all that I don't know. I just have to get in village H to see how good it is for myself. Wish me luck!
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