Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Success Only Comes to Those Who Don't Give Up

Success only comes to those who don't give up, like the Baudelaire orphans who kept on trying through their many times of trouble. By doing that, they gained the power to stop the villain and his evil deeds. One example is when they were battling Count Olaf in the beginning. Klaus never quit saving his baby sister, Sunny at the tower. Klaus used his big sister, Violet's inventing skills and thought what she would do at this point. He at last invented the grappling hook which he threw to the window of the tower in order to climb up. He succeeded in climbing to the top, but failed to save Sunny when one of Olaf's troops saw him. Meanwhile, Violet didn't throw in the towel in stopping Olaf from marrying her. She used Klaus's reading skills to read the law books and stop the trick marriage. At the marriage, she secretly signed with her left hand which made it an illegal marriage. She succeeded in her plan. Olaf escaped with everyone knowing what he tried to do. She saved herself and her siblings. She succeeded all because she didn't forfeit.
Another example when they succeeded is when they were poisoned. The shot of a bullet cracked the helmet that contained Medusoid Mycelium. The Baudelaire orphans and everyone else on the island was poisoned. Everyone dropped out except them. They trusted their parents and searched all their writings even at the last moment when they could hardly even breath. The Baudelaire orphans, unlike everyone else, didn't chuck up the sponge and found the antidote. This proves that not giving up will lead you to success.

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